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世间万物,正是有了神的安排和布局,才会显得这么井然有序.人类,地球,乃至整个宇宙都在按照一个安排好的路线进行着发展,这一切都从一个侧面证明了造物主的存在.David disputes that :" They happen in an orderly,predictable way.It follows that the universe didn't get this way by itself.There 'had to be a Designer,a Master Gardener.That's God." (Moody 32) 毫无疑问,造物主一定是存在的,不然宇宙万物从何而来.不过,造物主是什么样的存在,是不是生命,这些都没有答案.造物主是宇宙万物的创造者和主宰,他是宇宙万物产生的终极根源和第一原因.因此要讨论有没有造物主的问题,必须得从宇宙的起源开始.众所周知,我们现在所认识的宇宙是从大爆炸中而来的.但是,为社么宇宙有着如此精密的规律?至今为止,宇宙仍然有很多谜团没有被人类解.因此,造物主的存在,也就是神的存在并不会被人们所否定.Also,According to Moody in Does The God Exist,David explains that :" In this universe,things don't just happen any old way.There are patterns to events,patterns that we can see and understand" (Moody 34).就人们现有的认知来看,世间万物的构成都有着它特有的意义和结构.可是,这一切的一切只用单纯的进化论来解释的话,就有些显得幼稚和可笑了.我们所居住的空间里,一定有一位全知全能的神,他帮助我们编排整理,从而让整个世界井然有序.我们所认识的这个世界正在按照一种特定的模式,有条不紊的进行着.这一切又该如何解释?唯有造物主有这样的能力让这个世界如此的和谐和完美
It is precisely due to God's arrangement and layout that all worldly beings appear in an orderly manner.Human beings,the Earth,and even the whole universe follow their own course which is set in advance.All of this reflects the existence of a Creator.
Undoubtedly,God does exist,or else where do the universe and all beings come from?However,there is not an exact answer to questions wondering what kind of existence is God,or whether God is a life form.God is the Creator and Lord of the universe and all beings,and also the foremost reason and the ultimate source of the raison d'être of the universe and all beings.Thus,any discussion about God's existence must start by exploring the origin of the universe.As we all know,the universe as we've come to know it comes into being after the big bang.But,why the universe observes such sophisticated patterns?Up until now,there are still so many myesteries about the universe of which the answers are beyond humans' reach.Hence,the existence of the Creator,in other words the existence of God,will not be denied by the human kind.To the best of our knowledge,the composition of all worldly beings has its own special meanings and structure.Nonetheless,it is naïve and ridiculous if we interpret all of these solely by looking at the theory of evolution alone.Amid the space we live in,there must be an omniscient and omnipotent God who help us to arrange and organize,so all things in the world appear orderly.The world as we know it is following a certain pattern,systematically and steadily.How to explain all this?Only the Creator is capable of making the world so harmonious and perfect.

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