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Barrel principle:is the effect of a bucket like a bucket full of water,each board must have the same flush with no damage,if only the wooden barrels in an irregular or a block of wood has the following Hole,it will not be able to barrels filled with water.That the number sung to a bucket of water,does not depend on the longest piece of wood,but on the shortest piece of wood.Can be short-board effect.No matter how high a bucket,it depends on the height of the water in which the lowest piece of wood.
The principle is also called a bucket or short plate theory,a bucket short-board management theory,the so-called "bucket theory" that "the law of a bucket," says its core:a bucket of water how many barrels does not depend on The walls of the highest piece of wood,but rather depends on Tongbi the shortest piece.According to the core of the "bucket theory" There are two inferences:First,only Tongbi on the board are all high enough,it can be a bucket full of water.Second,as long as there is a bucket of this highly enough,in a bucket of water can not be full.
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