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First of all,English is very interesting,isn't it?When you sing an english song or see an english movie,you really can get some fun.
Secondly,China has already joined in WTO.
There will be more and more chances to meet foreign people.And there will be more and more chances to travel in different countries .
Thirdly,we must admit that there are still much
to learn from others countries,if we just know poor english ,how could we learn?
Fourthly,english not only provides us lots of fun,but also opens up our eyes to another world.
So we should learn English .
First of all,English is very interesting,isn't it?When you sing an English song or see an English movie,you really can get some fun.
Secondly,China has already joined in WTO.
There will be more and more chances to meet foreigner,and there will be more and more chances to travel in different countries .
Thirdly,we must admit that there are still much
to learn from others countries,if we just know poor English ,how could we learn?
Fourthly,English not only provides us lots of fun,but also opens up our eyes to another world.
So we should learn English .
看了 高中英文作文,错的地方帮忙改...的网友还看了以下:

语文问题求学11.下面这个病句可以有两种不同的修改方法,请你改好它。(每种改法只能改动一处,不得改  2020-06-14 …

现在的挖掘机怎么修改方向现在的挖机出厂都是左右方向的,可是有些又被师傅改成了反方向的!有没有什么最  2020-06-26 …

下面这个病句可以有两种不同的修改方法,请你改好它.每种改法只能改动一处,不得改变原意.近日,有部门  2020-07-04 …

高中英文作文,错的地方帮忙改改,Firstofall,Englishisveryinteresti  2020-07-26 …

阅读下文,完成文后各题。推进医药卫生体制改革的务实之举新医改方案出台后的第二天,《医药卫生体制改革近  2020-11-05 …

请用两种不同的修改方法,修改下列病句.(每种改法只能改动一处,不得改变原意.)近日,有关部门发出紧急  2020-12-05 …

近期社会上掀起了讨论医疗卫生体制改革的新一论热潮,其中“医改新方案将会采取‘英国模式’还是‘德国模式  2020-12-14 …

阅读下文,完成文后各题。推进医药卫生体制改革的务实之举新医改方案出台后的第二天,《医药卫生体制改革近  2020-12-14 …

初二语文修改病句下面这个病句可以有两种不同的修改方法,请你改好它(每种方法只能改动一处,不得改变原意  2020-12-19 …

下面这个病句有两不同的修改方法,请你改好它。(每种改法只能改动一处,不得改变原意。)近日,有关部门发  2020-12-19 …