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You see,cars everywhere in China,is that what we really want?Dust perfume the air,why don't we use bikes instead of cars?They have three great advantages compare to cars.Firstly,bikes no not use fuel to produce energy for the vehicle like cars do,they use your feet,the great enviremontally benifite is unavoidable in mentioning.Secondly,you can excerice while biking rather then sittiing in a car and getting fat.Now days obese is a very important problem especially in United States of America.Finally,bikes have way lower opreating costs the cars do,all you need for bikes is a bike and you.Looking at cars on the other hand,cleaning,fual cost,and enviremental wastes etc.These factors such as enviremental problems,obesity,and money costs are all bad for the envirement,so we should do our best to help it,it's a duty for all mankind on earth!
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