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Since the 70's, the US Chinese community has had the tremendous change Most remarkable is many comes from mainland Chinese not Duan Yongru the US, makes the American Chinese people's population to increase suddenly Along with the Chinese people population swift and violent increase with the Chinese race quality distinct enhancement, the Chinese people economy prospers day by day It is reported, from 1986, the American Chinese people economy leapt to head of the entire American national minority, leads to the date lineage, Han Yi and so on other descendants The American Chinese people family yearly average income has surpassed the American Caucasian family. At present, one group of Chinese people entrepreneurs enjoy the certain prestige in the American economy More encouraging is, in recent years US emitted one group of well-known people of Chinese descent scientists and technicians Their technical achievement has brought to the international scientific and technical circles attention and the admire Simultaneously Chinese people's political status distinct enhancement, steps in the American political circle person more and more many. 1. China successfully has carried on reform and open policy, has caused the giant echo in the world 2. In fact, that local peace is destructed, is precisely they evenly fords creates 3. West implementation big development strategy, speeds up the mid-west area the development, is China steps to the modernization third step of strategic target important deployment
看了 英语翻译70年代以来,美国华...的网友还看了以下:

综合性学习。(6分)改革开放以来,我国旅游业迅速发展,公民的旅游文明素质和道德水平不断提高。但从整  2020-06-21 …

材料一:随着国民生活水平的不断提高,我国慈善事业的发展进入“井喷”期,捐赠总额从2005年不足10  2020-07-07 …

解放后,我国人口迅速增加的原因是①医疗卫生事业迅速发展②政府鼓励人民生育③人民生活改善,营养和健康水  2020-11-27 …

改革开放以来,我国私营经济迅速发展,从1990-1999年私营企业注册资金9.5亿元增长到10287  2020-12-01 …

经过改革开放30多年的快速发展,中国特色社会主义建设取得了显著成就,经济总量已位居世界第二,进出口贸  2020-12-09 …

10年来,中国电影票房年均增长39%。2013年国内电影票房为217.69亿元人民币,是世界第二大电  2020-12-10 …

英语翻译中国房地产企业投资问题研究近年来,随着全国经济的持续增长,人民生活水平的不断提高,我国房地产  2020-12-10 …

7.从“东亚病夫”到世界体育强国这其中的变化说明了()①人民生活水平不断提高②群众性体育运动普遍开展  2020-12-20 …

2008年北京奥运会的场景我们还历历在目,它的成功举办充分证明我们中国[]A.全民健身运动开展广泛B  2021-01-19 …

新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以来,我国综合国力显著增强,主要体现以下几个方面①我国国民经济迅速发展  2021-01-30 …