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A business college has invited your company to give a presentation to its students.Your managing director has asked you to give the presentation and to write to the college about it
Write a letter to the head of the college:
Introducing yourself and accepting the invitation
Outline the content you propose fir the presentation
Explaining the benefits your presentation will have for students
Detaling your practical requirements concerning the presentation
Write 200-250 words
Dear I hope my answer will get satisfied from you,good luck & happy new year!I am a marking manager from FIG Company LTD.Which leading company in construction material filed in china,I would like to a...
看了 急求商务英语作文,今晚23点...的网友还看了以下:

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我国每年春秋两季在广州举办中国出口商品交易会,广泛邀请各国进出口商前来看货,洽谈生意。这种贸易形式  2020-05-13 …

遇到这样的客户,购买单价为10元的商品,1000件,实交总额为10000元,但要求发票上写单价15  2020-05-23 …

某地公用电话收费标准是前3分钟收费0.5元,超过3分钟,每分钟再交0.3元。小明打一次电话交费2.  2020-06-14 …

3.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是A.今年五一节前夕,发改委发出紧急通知,禁止空调厂商和经销商不3.  2020-06-20 …

办理商用房贷款时,银行对提前还款的基本约定一般不包括( )。A.借款人应向银行提交提前  2020-06-27 …

被除数、除数、商和余数的和是155,已知商是3,余数是20,那么被除数是().有一个工人与老板签了  2020-07-18 …

英语翻译1.它的黄金交易额位居世界第一,外汇交易额排名世界第三2.瑞士证券交易所是世界上目前唯一的  2020-07-26 …

统计学计算题答案Q今晚必需上交的!急.3.某商场职工的月工资情况如下表:月工资额(元)180018  2020-08-03 …

我国每年春秋两季在广州举办的中国出口商品交易会,简称广交会,广泛邀请各国进口商前来看货,洽谈生意。这  2020-12-11 …