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西北农林科技大学是中央部属高校,教育部直属全国重点大学.由教育部与农业部、水利部、国家林业局、中国科学院等16个部委和 陕西省共建.现为国家“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设高校,教育部“援疆学科建设计划”40所全国重点大学之一.
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University is the central affiliated university, a national key university directly under the Ministry of education. By the Ministry of education and Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of water resources, the State Forestry Bureau, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other 16 ministries and Shaanxi province to build. Is the national "985 Project" and" 211 Project" universities, Ministry of education," aid border subject construction plan" one of the 40 national key university.