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Why should we learn English? Nowadays more and more people learn English, not only the youngster, but also the people who are at work. Maybe you will ask why we should learn English. First, at present English is the most widely used language. China is developing rapidly in the new situation of the reform and opening to globe. So it is our duty to learn English. If we do not know English, it will be difficult to trade wish foreign businessmen. That will inferior of our country. Second, China has joined WTO. More and more foreign businessmen will invest in China in the near future. Most of companies will need some talents who are good at English. If we want to hunt a good job, we should learn English well. Third, English has become the international language. Most pilots in plane or sailors on board, traveling from one country to another, need to use English to communicate with others. Suppose you are traveling or on business in foreign countries, but you do not know English, what would you do? It is said that 60 percent of the world’s radio broadcast and 70 percent of the worlds mail use English. For example, at a international meetings of scientist from different countries, English will be a bridge crossing one side to another. In a word, English is an important language. It is the language most commonly used and widely understood for every country. So we should learn English well.
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