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关键字:井田概况 矿井水文地质 井田地质勘查 矿井地质 井田水文地质 类型划分
Our coal mine geology and hydrogeology conditions in general is very complex, according to statistics, in the medium and large coal mining in more than 500 by flood threat, so hydrogeology types of coal extraction into work will go smoothly is very important. The mine geology exploration of previous work has geological mapping, engineering survey, drilling engineering and logging four aspects of the material. Now the geological condition of dry compartmentalized rearrange the analysis: review made by the state planning mining area is located in no.1 gaoping west area, for loess hilly-gully loess, red and fourth is large, the surface covered clay sporadic bedrock the exposed. Main coal-bearing strata in the carboniferous taiyuan formation and ec Permian series of shanxi formation, under 124.59 16.70 - retained thickness of coal altogether m, 1-10 layers, including coal thickness 16.51 m, including - 1.90 9.77% coal coefficient for nine #, 15 # for field recognize base-level cycle within 3 # stable, although stability recoverable coal, but most have erosion within compartmentalized. 15 # 15 - after the forking seam 1 # coal seam is recoverable but the area is very small. Through analysis of the geological exploration, mining hydrogeology types are classified as loose aquifer rocks of clastic rock formations, such water rock formations, clastic rock contains carbonate rock class water rock formations, carbonate rock group, of water in the upper carboniferous mudstones, aluminum mudstone water-barrier rock formations, clastic rock group of layer of water between six, and confirmed the hydrogeological situation compartmentalized. Finally, we give mine prevent all aspects of water disasters suggestion.
Key words: general fault mine hydrogeology field geological prospecting mine geology hydrological geology field types are classified
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