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翻译贾平凹《丑石》第三段它不象汉白玉那样细腻,可以用来刻字雕花。它也不象大青石那样光滑,可以用来做捶布石。它静静地卧在那里,院边的槐荫没有护盖它,花儿也不在它身边生长。周遍的荒草却长出来,枝蔓上下缠绕,慢慢地,它上面竟长满了绿苔、黑斑。我们这些做孩子的,也讨厌起它来,曾合伙要搬走它,但力气又不足;虽时时咒骂它,嫌弃它,也无可奈何,只好任它留在那里了。 最好可以有自己翻译的,加上“翻译思路”一并回答 万分感谢!!要速度要质量
It is not as delicate as the white marble, carved lettering can be used. It is not as smooth as the Qing Shi, Strickland cloth can be used to make stone. It quietly lying there, the hospital side of the Huaiyin not Hugai it, not the flowers around its growth. Zhoubian out of the grassland has long, winding Zhiwan from top to bottom, slowly, it was covered with a Lvtai above, the black spot. We do these children, since it also hate to have a partnership to remove it, but the effort is inadequate; Although always curse it, it Xianqi, a sense of helplessness can only remain there as it has.
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