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     参考词汇:校址 school site 校园 schoolyard 均衡教育 balanced education
                      优质教育资源 quality education resources

                                             High Schools are moved from cities to me suburbs
     With the development of cities and increase in the number of students, many high schools that lay in city
centres have been moved to the suburbs, thus causing a series of changes.

One possible version
                                         High Schools are moved from cities to the suburbs
     With the development of cities and increase in the number of students, many high schools that lay in city
centres have been moved to the suburbs, thus causing a series of changes.
     First, our learning and living environment has been greatly improved. The terribly noisy surrounding area
has given way to pleasantly quiet one. Also, the new schoolyard has been greatly enlarged.
     Second, more school facilities have been provided, making it possible to accept more students. Besides,
the advanced equipment is highly beneficial to our all-sided development.
     However, inconvenience has, meanwhile, been caused, especially traffic inconvenience. More time is
wasted on the way to and from school.
     The change of school sites, I think, meets the needs for balanced education and quality education resources.
Therefore, it will surely promote the development of our education.

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