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My honor versus dishonor view,my position
The male eagle brushes past the sky,row a beautiful of curve lie in it to sought to allow the position for a wings of oneself;The fierce tiger whistles the forest of ,leaving a bright scenery,lying in it to sought to allow the position for the oneself's strong and healthy body,the person wants to achieve success,must examine the oneself to seek precise own position.
The ages is in the progress,the history enters ahead,the exaltation of the living level along with the people,the exactitude sets up own honor versus dishonor view is an exaltation that is teenager's character of 21 centuries,the body of the life value now.
The ancients once says:" The people has no the letter not to sign,the letter have no the does not become" ancients is still such,besides now person!Is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation with" the honesty keeps promise for the glory",《 kid and wolf 》 of story is widely known is to lose the trust because the kid cheats to take the other people's trust to him for many times,being the end wolf to really come to other people to his many beguilements.End,the kid let wolf give eat.Although does this is a story its difficult ways and can't explain the certain truth?Since the childhood mother educates the child who I want to be a" honesty".What does" honesty" include?Small go to not bogus,big go to not cheat the nation,don't endanger the human life.What is the meaning of the " honesty" exactly?I feel" the honesty keep promise since is a kind of morals quality and the morals convictions,is also the morals responsibility of each citizen is also a kind of lofty personality power".Therefore,we want to BE the person whom a real honesty keep promise to carry out our dream,setting up our home totally.
Own king of establishment of Wang of ancient 帝 is" close wise minister,far mean person" toward what to pay attention to.Menzi"s die for principle" the value of explain" righteousness" and" life",the life can lose but the righteousness definitely can't obliterate,although person non- sage and virtuous man,can have no which.But raise now the eyes four Wang-kus Chinese and Foreign have how much hero one a long distance of 败 of hero because was injury secretly by the mean person,refuse to close eyes in death;Return toward today and have how much businessman throw away the prestige of everything because personal private interest,disregard to make track for the oneself to want to get the target,thus leave the for life regret to repent the whole life." Benefit" is an everyone to want to get of,but a person for the sake of 1:00" benefit" but lose the time of" righteousness",you can once thought of that the ancients can" die for principle",that why oneself can for the sake of 1:00" benefit" but lose" righteousness" of the eternity!When your by all manners for the sake of" benefit" but lose" righteousness" your difficult way does not feel shameful?
" I" an is for 21 centuries,the teenager toes set up the right honor versus dishonor view of oneself," with the honesty keep promise for glory,take forget honor at sight of money as the disgrace" then can become" the vast sky male eagle,fierce tiger in mountain" thus,seeking the position of precise oneself's life,achieving for the ideal that the motherland requites the effect.
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