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Jin and offer, DongGuoMin have toward the fathers, wrote to the offer and yue: "grass MaoChen DongGuoMinZu dynasty, wish please smell of the national plan." Minister use offer accuse the yue: "carnivore already rhyme herb will do. What is he with predators?" The fathers of yue: "big king alone don't smell the department horse who will yue huan, ChaoChao the king, for and feast, the car, also called resorts, and the car called the resorts yue: 'elbow son for the cloud is what? What is called by car?'" the imperial resorts yue: "when the cry out, and he is our son, also is the son of the Pei when is bit ears. This is not right Pei bit, son horse, he ran Li, false surprised pedestrian, will meet enemy, get off from the sword, go someplace in blood liver is my son also is solid. Can monarch of the son Pei temple, with me? It is next to the body, and also and we have deep sorrow, no cry, my car? 'this is king yue:" the predator has the rhyme yi, how should the herb is predators and?' SheShi predators in the ShiJi once, if I raised platform on quantitative predators, such as choice torment within the outcome of no wild and woe? The princes and also with you. I have their sorrow and deep.
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