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旅游被认为是二十一世纪三大朝阳产业之一.中华民族地大物博, 有着丰富的旅游资源, 每年吸引着众多来华探求异国文化、 领略异国风情的游客.巍峨峻伟的高山, 秀丽多姿的河川, 更是游客们猎奇、访古、 探幽、 揽胜之所.让世界对中国多了一份了解.旅游也是一项特殊的社会活动,它包括食、住、行、游、购、娱六要素.其中,游是旅游的目的和核心要素.如今国际旅游中最普遍使用的交际语言是英语.而要把我国悠久的历史文化等传播给外国游客,首先就要面对旅游景点翻译的问题.语言大师吕淑湘说过,翻译是门杂学,而旅游翻译更是地地道道的“杂学”,不仅要坚实的语言功底,还需要博古通今的知识积累.旅游资料的翻译不仅涉及语言的转换,更涉及跨文化的沟通,导游员的一个重要任务就是通过导游讲解传播中国文化、讲解的内容必须有根有据, 而且不仅要考虑书面文字材料的表达,更要考虑口头传译的效果.而误译则往往误导游客,当然也就谈不上传播中国文化了.
Tourism is considered to be one of the three sunrise industry in the 21st century. The Chinese nation is a vast land, has the abundant tourism resources, every year attracts many exotic culture, appreciate to explore exotic visitors. JunWei towering mountains, beautiful varied rivers, but visitors to see, FangGu, LanSheng exploration,. Let the world know China a many. Tourism is also a special social activity, it includes food, shelter and transportation, traveling, shopping and amusing six factors.Among them, the purpose and swim is tourism core essential factor. Today international tourism are the most commonly used communicative language is English. And to put our country's long history culture spread to foreign tourists, first will face tourist attractions translation issue.A master of language LvShuXiang said that translation is the door, and tourist translation miscellaneous learn more genuine "miscellaneous learning", not only to solid language skills, still need BoGuTongJin knowledge accumulation. Tourism material translation involves not only involves the conversion of languages, more cross-cultural communication, the tour guide is an important task is through guide disseminates the Chinese culture, the content must explain a root according to, and not only should consider the express written materials, the more to consider oral interpretation results. And mistranslation then often misleading tourists, of course, was also far from disseminates the Chinese culture.
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