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近日,本市的一些公园内纷纷竖起禁止遛狗的标牌。假如你是李华,你就这一现象对公园内游客的看法进行了问卷调查,得出以下结论。请用英语写一篇短文, 介绍你的调查结果, 并说明自己的观点或建议。
(参考词汇:禁令 ban; 和谐 harmony  n.)
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Recently, I have done a survey about whether it is reasonable to forbid walking the dogs in the local parks.        

Recently, I have done a survey about whether it is reasonable to forbid walking the dogs in the local parks.
Some people who are in favor of the ban say that it can help keep the environment clean as well as prevent the children from getting frightened or even bitten. In addition, they regard it as an effective way to prevent people from some diseases spread by pet dogs. However, other tourists hold a different view. They claim that the ban will make the tourists get less fun. Besides, as a result of the ban, not only may those elderly tourists lack company when walking in the park alone, but the harmony between human beings and animals will be affected.
From my point of view, as long as the pet owners can take good control of their dogs and be aware of their responsibilities at the public places, we should allow walking the dogs in our local parks so as to let more people benefit from the pleasure brought by them.

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