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摘 要
Reform a development,along with our country economy especially the development of real estate industry,real estate collateral loan also from had in the whole country to open an exhibition to get up.Under the market economy condition,people's living level raised,to the need degree of the life also more and more high,for satisfying this kind of living need,people more and more use the way of collateral loan is to carry out.So the real estate mortgages a valuation industry to become the most familiar form in the real estate quotation.
And influence the real estate mortgaged a pricing factor research to also have it of prominent meaning,understand the influence mechanism of these factors to be advantageous to people to be betterly carry on mortgaging an activity,Be also advantageous to evaluating a personnel science ground to carry on mortgaging valuation,to norm real estate mortgage the market has already promoted a function as well.
This text mortgages pricing impact factor to carry on from the theories the rightness the real estate quotation first analytical,is divided into its three main aspects:Separately factor,district factor,general factor.Distinguish again to analyze each concrete impact factor and its influence mechanism in detail from 3.
Then with west city the area melt a Xiang mansion item to offer for sale a stateowned land an usage power and is set up the value valuation of the engineering mortgage for example,analysis influence that mortgage evaluate a solid example the factor of the price,and from quote angle analysis how to should reply these a factor influence.
Keyword:The real estate quote;The real estate mortgages price;Separately factor;District factor;General factor
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