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I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.
I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.
I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.
I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.
I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.
I am a student from Senior One.Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully.Some even give up studying English.


I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.

I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.

I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.

I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.

I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.

I am a student from Senior One. Recently I find that many students in my class don’t study English carefully. Some even give up studying English.
In my opinion, it’s wrong of these students to ignore English study. English has become more and more important not only for us students at school but also for people in different fields. I believe one day they will regret not studying English hard enough.
As a matter of fact, it’s not difficult to learn English well if you learn it in the right way. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher, so it’s quite important to develop an interest in English first. What’s more, vocabulary is the basis of English study, so it’s quite necessary to learn English words by heart. At the same time, try to read, speak and write English as often as possible. Last but not least, confidence and perseverance is very important. If you believe yourself and keep on studying English, you will make progress in time.


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