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The country stops in remote small village cottage to write a pair of mother and daughter , mother perhaps is pilfered always having chain three lock in the door handle as soon as arriving at evening very much; The daughter is to have loathed rural life monotonous but being immutable as image landscape painting , she yearns for a city, think that self permeates that gorgeous world imagined by radio set go and taking a look at. Some day dawn , daughter have left mother at one's side for running after that unreal dream. She has taken advantage of mother running away from home secretly when going to bed. `Mummy , your are regarded as right away having no my this daughter. 'Unfortunate this world beauty should rather for her to imagine is moving , she is in imperceptible middle , make for way of degenerating, she understands to arrive at self fault just now in falling deeply into the muddy having no way to extricate self, at this time. `Mummy! 'Heart being wounded by that the queen , the daughter who already is grown to manhood drag work in 10 and in a difficult position body, have returned to hometown. She already is late in night time get back home , faint lamp light seeps through get out through a gap between door and frame. She has some kind of an ominous presentiment knocked at a door lightly, but abrupt. The daughter is twisted with her when opening the door being frightened. `Be fond of queer , never forgotting the door to be locked before the mother. 'The emaciated body of mother curls in the ice-cold floor , sleeps with the appearance making people feel sorry to have written. `Mummy, ... Mummy, ... 'Weeping hearing a daughter sound , mother have opened an eye, one language does not send out a field embracing exhausted shoulder of daughter. After that mother has cried in the bosom is very long, the daughter is curious suddenly asking about a road: `Mummy, how you do not lock a door today , why handles to come somebody's inbreak? 'Mother answer says: I am afraid that you return abruptly in the evening moving forward `no only today without end door of a house, the door had never locked up therefore during the past 10. 'Mother returns in 10 if waiting for the work daughter on 1st, furnishings inside the daughter room is just like that very year. Mother and daughter returns to front appearance in 10 this sky in the evening, locks the door tightly sleeping to have written. Not having love of door family having a lock is the cradle hoping , the kindness thanking a family's , gives the driving force growing up unceasingly.
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