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Beijing roast duck is the reputation of the world famous Beijing dishes, materials used for high-quality meat duck Beijing duck, fruit charcoal baked, full size, uniform color, red, yellow duck was better, no traces of blood, cortical thickness, cortex and crisp, crisp outside and tender inside, have the entrance that is feeling a blade, it can smell the aroma, and with a fruit fragrance, taste, taste more delicious. Beijing roast duck is divided into two major schools, and Beijing is the most famous roast duck restaurant Quanjude, cheap square that is representative of the two. With its red color, mellow taste, tender meat, fat and not greasy characteristics, known as "the world delicious" and celebrated China and foreign countries.Sushi Japanese favorite is one of traditional food, the main material is seasoned with vinegar ( referred to as the cold rice vinegar rice ), together with fish, seafood, vegetables or eggs as ingredients, its flavour is delicious, very popular with the Japanese people 's favorite.Whether traditional or modern sushi vinegar rice and fish, the combination to the most creative genius chef may, low calorie, no fire raw food, organic food, fresh taste, beautiful shape, sushi meets people all think. As simple as delicious, delicious Japanese cuisine to nature, has gradually become a common practice in the world, more and more people like to take, this is the reason why. And this one, especially the food sushi simple philosophy of the ultimate performancePizza ( Pizza ) is a kind of Italy originated in the food, a popular global. Pizza usually approach is used in fermentation of pita covered with tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients, and the oven baked.Reportedly, the finest pizza must have four characteristics: fresh bread, cheese, top quality leather pizza sauce and fresh fillings. Cake at the end must be the day is done, the flour with winter spring season two first class wheat grinding, such as cake at the end will be crispy outer layer, inner soft. Pure cheese pizza soul, authentic pizza usually use rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and calcium in very low calorie mozzarella cheese ( Mozzarella ).
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