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我是要比赛的 200个字 我就在电脑前哦 不是《别了 好莱坞先生》 也不是《穿过镜子》 就是爱丽丝做梦的那个 有个红桃皇后要砍别人头的那个 是用英文的哦 200以上的单词 真的
I think this is a good novel,a girl only 10 minutes understand why I called him,Mr.Hollywood,also,why would kiss him,and these are very strange things,it is worthy of curiosity and thought.This shows that both men and women is a story,everyone has stories of people,we the people meet by chance,they may have their own stories and problems,everyone has their own past,some people experience Will provoke some of their associated memories,causing them to talk.I think this is a very worth reading the novel,its plot compelling,bizarre twists and turns,it can produce reverie,more important things,meet by chance,this is something that people can encounter the story especially the 90's.
"Alice in Wonderland" is Britain's Lewis.Carroll's book,the book mainly to write a good little girl's dream Alice adventure in mind.To enrich the imagination of the author,wrote this strange,"Alice in Wonderland." In addition,this book has two big stories.One is the "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." The two long stories have a common characteristic is that there are things written by Xiqiguguai,
Even this should not speak of anything will always say,but it seems that it is very natural.
Alice described by the author of the pure-hearted girl,ready to help others and be able to face the Xiqiguguai or when the animals looked calm,no surprise,the horrified expression,but also to add my daughter Alice was also a bit of courage,it is stated She is a calm and distress when they are calm.
In "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind." I think it should be "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind," the more rich and colorful imagination are unpredictable,so I like "Alice in the mirror adventure in mind."
看了 我要《爱丽丝漫游仙境奇遇》的...的网友还看了以下:

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