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以《读书的方法》为题用英语写一篇短文.(120 字左右)主要内容是:读书的成功与否与读书方法的正确与否关系甚大.向读者提几点建议:(1) 所读书籍难度要适中,偏难,偏易均不宜.如果发现一本书太难读,不妨先放在一 边一段时间,换一本容易些的读.(2) 读书固然要读自己感兴趣的书,但更要读对自己有益的书.(3) 有的书匆匆浏览便可,有的则需细读,精读.要随时记笔记.(4) 不要羞于问问题,任何内行的人都是你的老师.(5) 勤查词典.词典是你最好的老师.
Everyone reads or has read books. However, not everyone knows the correct way to read a book. Success depends on whether the way of reading books is correct or not. There are some of my advice for reading books in a correct way. Firstly, we should choose the books that are not too hard to read, or too easy to read. If one book is not too difficult to read, we can put it aside for a while and read an easier book. Secondly, we should choose the books that we are interested in. Besides, those books should be useful and beneficial to us. Thirdly, for some books, we can skim through while for other books, we should read it thoroughly and maybe take notes as well. Fourthly, don't be too shame to ask questions. Everyone in the field is your teacher. Lastly, we should look up the dictionary frequently because dictionary is our best teacher.