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标准翻译为:People who agree with free university education believe that this practice makes it possible for students from less well-off backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education.
我的翻译为:People who agree with free university education consider that this practice provide equal opportunity to tertiary education for for students who from less well-off backgrounds.
who后面可以直接接from吗?还是用came from才行?
People who agree with free university education consider that this practice provide equal opportunity to tertiary education for for students who from less well-off backgrounds.
who后面可以直接接from吗?还是用came from才行?
回答:who 引导为一个完整定语从句,必须有谓语..
(1) who are from
(2) who come from
People who agree【to】 free university education consider that this practice【provides】 an equal opportunity to tertiary education【to】 the students who are from less well-off backgrounds.
People who agree【to】 free university education consider that this practice【provides】 an equal opportunity【of going to college 】【to】 the students from less well-off backgrounds.
People who agree【to】 free university education consider that this practice【provides】 the students who come from less well-off backgrounds 【with an equal opportunity of going to college 】
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