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Li Weiqing YanTieShi,the son-in-law embezzlement officer hundreds of thousands of money,collectors fear but dare not illegally.Type of hair for the matter,but the qing sit,but clear is hatred;And three greedy kid collectors make a living by deceit,disease type banned its industry,also all hatred,often being bar,for a total of trap.Emperor taizong examine its affection,each sit in,which needs the 觽 said it before,so destroyed not.Emperor taizong collapse,true ZongLiang dark,collectors of,check all virtual,FanZuo,but the anger.Type both bian,namely a longer serve as it,but the qing is biting collectors illegally to implant into in a letter to the officer.Family is different from the mass,the lift but qing son-in-law,doubt not,both of yi,no officer when test.