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I really happy we are friends now.You are so friendly,make me so happy!And I hope you can feel me friendly to you,too.You are my only friend in America.So I am bound to treasure our friendship.I thing my English so bad,but I through you,my English is better now.Thank you very!Are you okey in America?And your family.I have a wish,namely we can meet!Look forward!It's Spring Festival in china now.We are all very happy.Do you know about Spring Festival?Let me tell you.The Spring Festival is Chinese tradition festival.In street,everywhere are hang red lanterns.All people will have a "familly reunion dinner".They make many delicious food,dumplings for this "family reunion dinner".All children can get some red paper packet containing money as a gift.So they are very happy .This is Spring Festival.Do you like?I love rock.And my best singer is Avril Lavigne.I think she is so cool.And her voice is very special.Do you like her?What't your favorite super star?On weekend,I learn the guitar.But music just my hobby.My dream is study abroad.Then go to the USA.So,I will make efforts!What's your dream?I want to know more about you.Last,I hope you and your family happy every day!
第二句make前加and语气更顺.第三句me改my.So I am bound to treasure our friendship是不是你打错了,I thing my English so bad改为I think my English is so poor.but I through you,改为with your help.Thank you very加much.okey改为ok.And your family?Look forward加to it.Do you know something about Spring Festival?tradition改traditional.In the street.hang改hanging.dumplings去掉.This is the Spring Festival.Do you likeit?love 改like.best favorite singer .very cool.What's.But music is just my hobby.What's your dream改为what about your dream?是高一的学生,Look forward,tradition,efforts!这些事高一的词汇,高一的学生容易乱用新词.
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