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这些违法活动使消费者对电子商务的可信度大打折扣. 以上列举的表现都对电子商务信用造成了负面的影响,阻碍了电子商务活动的顺利发展.
如已通过的电子签名法,就有人持不同看法,认为不太可行. 因为网上的信息很容易被修改、删除、复制和丢失. 第二,黑客的存在,常常破坏计算机的正常运行等等.第三,电子商务的运作涉及到方方面面的支持、配合、协调. 譬如我国的金融改制、运行,对电子商务的支付、认证对网上交易有很大的制约作用. 由于电子商务是在虚拟环境和超时空环境下进行的交易活动,是在网站平台上进行的,交易双方如发生纠纷,非常复杂. 所以,电子商务的法律、法规在制定上确有难度.
These illegal activities have greatly reduced consumer confidence in e-commerce. The performance of all the above listed e-commerce has had a negative impact of the credit, hindering the smooth development of e-commerce activities.
You can call it "China's first real information on the law."
E-commerce development in China is in the second, between the three levels, so many problems in e-commerce performance is not obvious.
If the electronic signature law has been passed, some people hold different views, that is not feasible. Because information on the Web can easily be modified, deleted, copied, and lost. Second, the existence of hackers, often damage the normal operation of the computer and so on. Third, related to all aspects of the operation of e-commerce support and facilitation and coordination. For example, our financial restructuring, operational, e-commerce payments, authentication of online transactions is very restricted role. Since e-commerce in a virtual environment and the Macross trading activities under the environment is carried out in the web platform, such as parties to the transaction in dispute is very complex. Therefore, e-commerce laws and regulations do have difficulty in the formulation.
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