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The torrential rain last night washed the city very thoroughly.It stopped raining till the early morning and a drop of water could be seen falling down from the branch.The trees were reflected in the puddles of roadside.After a while,here came slowly a grandma with a basket in her arm.Even though she walked carefully she suddenly fell down for the wet and slippery road.She had her feet injured and tried to stand up by herself but failed.She watched the passengers and wanted to ask for help from them.People passing by have all noticed the falling grandma but they have various kinds of their own opinions.Some people thought of her as a liar who wanted to ask for money,so they left immediately.Some people did not like caring about the business of other people and they left too.Some were busy with their own business so they did not want to care about it either.And some other people have the opinion of her pretending to be poor and they thought her not worthy to be helped.In the end two college students came by and saw her.They have also heard about the news that some people pretend to fall and ask for a great deal of money from the person who have helped them.At this moment they were puzzled whether to help her or not. After several minutes' thought,they have chosen to trust the old woman , themselves and the beautiful society.So they helped the grandma to stand up.The grandma showed great appreciatiation to them.
So we all should take more care of this kind of social phenomenon and think deeply whether the love should be self-centered or given to every person around us.Let's share our love with everyone!
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