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Dear Paul:
Recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions.Now,we have two kinds of houses to choose.One is located at suburbs; the other is traditional house in the downtown.There have different ideas about whether we should buy.
Some suggest we buy a modern flat because it big and bright.And it is convenient to go shopping or school for us.There also have some place provision us leisure and entertainment like park and so on.
But,in the old-style house,it is quiet and considers the air is fresh to live in.And the price is cheaper.The neighbors also have harmonious living atmosphere
In my opinion,I’m fond of the modern flat.
What’s your opinion?Please write to me sooner
Sincerely yours
Xiao Ming
Dear Paul:
Recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions.Now,we have two kinds of houses to choose.One is located at suburbs; the other is traditional house in downtown.There are different ideas about which we should buy.
Some suggest we buy a modern flat because it is big and bright.In addition,it would be convenient for us to go shopping or school.There also have some place provision us leisure and entertainment like the park and so on.
While as for the old-style house,it is quiet and the air is fresh.And the price is cheaper.Since the neighbors are very friendly,we can have a harmonious living atmosphere there.
In my opinion,I prefer the modern flat.But I just can't make the final decision.
What’s your opinion?Please write to me soon.
Sincerely yours
Xiao Ming
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