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3.如果我加入的话 我所在的团队有多少人 是怎么分工的?
4.有没有轮岗 出差 培训 是社内培训还是送到培训机构去培训还是请专家或者老外来培训
7.环境造就人才 有时候没的选择就是最好的选择 因为我第一份工作做得是跟我专业对口的工作 但是我一直想去国外 没想到就做了质量的工作 现在找工作也都是要有工作经验的 就这样一直做到现在
做一行爱一行 我觉得我还是很适合做这份工作的 首先我很有耐心 在日本工作的经验让我变得非常有礼貌 别人火再大 我都不受印象 这方面我也代表了公司的形象
1.I have the experiences in the field of this work,but I am still a newcomer to your products.How long do you think I need to study and be trained after employed so that I could be familiar with your products and work independently?
2.Does this work need any special technique and qualification?
3.How many people does the team to which I belong to have and what is the labor divided if I join you?
4.Is there any position change,business trip or training?If there are trainings,are the trainings inside the company or in a training organization?Does a specialist or a foreigner undertake the trainings?
5.Is there an assessment of position?
6.Could I visit the factory?
7.The environment creates the talents.Sometimes no choice is the best choice.My first job was a match to my major,but I was thinking of going abroad then.I did not expect I would do the quality work.At present,the experienced person is always privileged in the job hunting.I have been so until now
Once I join an industry,I will make every endeavor to make it perfect.I believe this position is my choice.Firstly,I am a patient man.Secondly,the experience in Japan has sharpened me a lot and I know the rules to get along with people.I could control my temper,even the client I am facing is angry with me,I won’t permit other’s angry influence my and my work.I believe I am the company in this sense.What I act is the impression of the company.
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