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Traveling note:
1,have careful travel plans.
Prior to that time,the line,accommodation concrete plans and take on a map and DaoYouTu,cars,boats schedules and necessary and clothes,health products (,) to confirm repeatedly belongings,lest produce needless trouble.
2,pay attention to the safety of journey.
Sometimes after some dangerous tourism scenic area,such as steep cliffs,ground,dense hole etc,in these dangerous area,try to go together,never alone for adventure.
3 and good manners.
Any time,any occasion,be polite,and always unassuming tolerance,observe public order.
4,care and cultural relics.
Tourists every one should consciously care of scenic spots and historical relics,not trees and flowers in the scenic spots,historical sites on any carving scribble.
5,pay attention to the health and health.
Traveling abroad,taste local dishes,name,it is a kind of "food culture",but must pay attention to diet and avoid water wholesome over-eating.
6 and alert cheated.
Current society exists a fraction of stealing,cheat,rob villains,accordingly,"swiftness" means a step towards conversing,not easily,"secrets",in case of leakage caused by its own economic deceived,property loss
Equipment and supplies
Outdoor activities,the dress with relaxed and comfortable,be casual wear,for basic principles.Even the midsummer,also avoid dress,girls don't wear skirts,boys don't wear shorts.The main consideration field of worms,you always want to be their meal.Another regardless of the jungle,drilling or hiking in the plant that brings thorn on your skin nowise show consideration,if you don't want to be "flower",should try to melons and reduce the bare skin.Comfortable shoes and thick soles are two pairs of socks in the long trek,it can ensure that your feet don't DaPao.And wear comfortable trousers,is your best choice through the jungle.Coat,with the best absorbent soft T-shirt is preferred.Though the weather is hot in summer,but the mountains may have snakes,so don't wear shorts.The mountains,sooner or later,the temperature and coat can help you resist mountain.Summer rain forest,nature is little not,had better take a raincoat swimsuit,swimming trunks.
2 food
Their own food and energy to heat,light weight,small size for the selection criteria.The best is easy to preserve food,food,instant noodles pie.Fushi can take beef,ham,egg,but must use the vacuum packaging.Beef jerkys,pure milk,peanut,GuoDanPi is balanced nutrition table.Due to the large number of sport,you can taste the appetite soar,will increase,so take oneself to like jam,chutney is very sensible.
3) water
The mountains have excellent springs,if you take enough is enough and the water,but don't forget to bring a bottle of coke bottle and.Of course,if you don't trust can bring water filter,so you can also be for family to natural mineral water!Incidentally,climbing way remind you to learn scientific drinking water supplement,is very important.Should be in only a very thirsty to drink,including in the mouth slowly swallow,wait to drink again thirst.Don't boozing,lest hurt lung.
4 essential items
Belongings had better take a flashlight,cameras,binoculars,lighter,knives.Toiletries should be small,lightweight,and strong.Summer sun block lotion,the best preparation for skin,uv damage.
5 note
To survive in the field should pay attention to obey,unified action,handlers attention to safety,cannot leave without permission,he pleases.Survival is collective sports,meet a dangerous situation must unite through the danger.Normally,handlers have against dangerous experience,listen to them,don't panic.Action to protect nature and wildlife,waste,garbage to unify the buried.Wild fire,smoke,we must pay special attention to the dangers.
Must pay attention to the small details:
1,with a small packets.
Traveling to take some medicine,because the trip will inevitably meet some unexpected situation,if take a small packets,twenty-four hours.
2 and attractions snapshot note
To visit some places have spots snapshot pictures,the service is good,general household camera,and preserve lasting imaging.In the photo must ask businessman use is original,because only printer ink cartridges original manufacturers to make pictures in a long time preservation later still do not fade,otherwise don't submit two pictures.
3 and respect the local customs.
China is a multi-ethnic country,many ethnic minorities have different religious beliefs and custom taboo.As the saying goes:"do".On entering the ghettoes of tourism,to respect their traditional customs and life custom taboo,must not ignore the actions or due to careless and hurt their national pride
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