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我知道有点强人所难 但还是拜托了 我会补上分数
求高手帮我把中文的部分 翻英文 语法要通顺
to a sad daughter'' 这首诗比Simple Arithmetic更有冲击力 因为我认为to a sad daughter'' 作者
写的文章比较精致和细腻 ,感情部分描述得很丰富 ,当你读过这首诗之後会发现诗里面的父亲很爱他的女儿,愿意让她去四处探索,但是希望她做自己,并离他很近 不要离她太远 .这部分跟我生活中的某些部分 很相似 在我的生活中 我的母亲也非常爱我 她不想要我因为一些事情而改变我自己 例如化妆或是做一些不适合自己的的事情 同样的她也不想要我离她太远 ,我们母女间的感情很好 所以我们之间的距离是近的 这和诗里面的父亲一样 同样的道理
另一篇文章我觉得比较枯乏单调了点 ,比较没有冲击力 ,因为这位作者叙述感情的部分没有很丰富 ,文章里面的女孩 写信给她的父母 但母亲没有回信 只有父亲跟她用写信的方式 传达讯息而已 叙述感情部分需要再加强.总而言之,就冲击力来讲 我会选择to a sad daughter'' 这首诗
Simple Arithmetic 这篇文章里的女孩 每几天 就和她父亲 用信联络 讲说她发生什麼事等等的
她父亲也会回应她 或者是告诉她他的意见是什麼 ,以我个人的立场来说 写信的方式是正常的没错
但不代表写信的方式 和家人之间的感情就会比较好 相反的 我觉得她和她父母亲的沟通方式 缺少了点什麼 因为女孩的妈妈再婚 搬到别的地方 ,这个家庭不是很完整就是了
当然 不论在哪里 不论在哪一个国家 通常也都是会有这种家庭情况 ,缺少沟通方式 或是和父母之间缺少互动 等等的例子 也通常会发生在我们身上
to a sad daughter 这首诗 运用了许多的写作技巧 (codes and conventions) v例如 :拟人法
the hocket pictures gaze down at you ,从这句句子就看得出来,作者把hockey比喻成父亲
you 指的就是他的女儿 .还有运用到的写作技巧是 metaphor :One day I'll come swimming 25
beside your ship or someone will ,and if you hear the siren ,listen to it.一个很完美的metaphor句子
最後是simile 的句子 ,sun spilled over you ,like a thick yellow miracle:形容得很贴切
这首诗还满常用到这些写作技巧 ,作者完美的运用这些技巧 写出了一首很惊艳的诗
'to a sad daughter' has, in my opinion, more impact on the reader than 'simple arithmetic' because it contains more details and is more descriptive. The affections are well conveyed, and after reading this poem, one could tell how much the father loves the daughter, he allowed her to widen her horizons by travelling, but he wanted her to be herself, and to be near him. This element occurred in my life as well, my mother is very caring, and she does not want anything to change who I am, like applying make-up, which is unlike myself. Also she wants me near her, we are very close in terms of relationship, and the same applies to the characters in this poem.
As for the other poem I found it a bit simple, it lacks the impact on the reader that the first poem had. The way that this poem conveys the emotions does not vary as much as the other one, for this one, the girl in the poem wrote many letters to her mother, but none were returned. She was left with the only option of allowing her father to pass the message on. Anyway, in terms of impact, I think the poem, 'to a sad daughter' would be my choice.
希望能帮你,专门用了复杂的单词:)别的我帮你翻译了. 我汉语虽然不怎么好,我擅长英语. 现在住在英国^^ (7年)