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Idolatry has long been the crux of the civilization and progress of mankind and the development of existence. In different historical periods, different values, human choice of objects of worship are different. Similarly, the geographical differences, around the world, the worship of idols, which are the corresponding values are also quite different. U.S.-and British-led Western world and Oriental civilizations have in their historical development process are the values and the concept of idols also different. Western values is by a system different from the cases of other civilizations literature, science, music, philosophy and many other factors have. In these areas are easily distinguished representative of that era has become a unique icon. Because of the worship of idols, it is also against the people of the times when specific values pursuit. In this paper, the Western idols as examples of evolution in the Western community of values for the development process of an overall review. Different text of the Western idol worship is divided into three important historical periods : ancient times -- primitive worship. Middle Ages -- Knight worship of the Church and, in modern times -- the self-worship. and in these historical periods under the backs of these idols in Western eyes of the Westerners analysis to observe how they evaluate their own values and how to handle their relations with the community. Aimed at strengthening the people of the Western culture and understanding of the history.
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