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The city of Chongqing can be best described as southwest China’s commercial capital.Since 1997,the city has become the fourth municipality,independent from Sichuan Province,to be under the direct control of the central government.The major port of the upper Yangzi River and gateway to the famous “Three Gorges,” Chongqing now includes most of the former eastern Sichuan Province,with a population of 30 million.It is a major center of iron and steel production,motorcycle manufacturing and shipbuilding,as well as chemical and pharmaceutical production.The religious cliff sculptures of Dazu and Baodingshan and the Three Gorges scenic region of the Yangzi River are all nearby,making Chongqing an important center for tourism despite the scarcity of notable sights within the city proper.
Chongqing lies at the confluence of the Yangzi and Jialingjiang Rivers,centered on a hilly peninsula encircled by the rivers,in what was formerly the eastern part of Sichuan Province.Also known as the Mountain City,Chongqing is 1,025 km (640 miles) northwest of Hong Kong,and 1,800 km (1,120 miles) southwest of Beijing.It is one of the four “furnace cities” of China,with blazingly hot and humid summers and cold,foggy winters.
Chongqing traces its ancient history all the way back to the 13th century BC,when it was the capital of the Ba kingdom,with a distinctive local culture contemporary with the Shang.It was given its present name,which means “Double Celebration,” by the Southern Song Emperor Guangzong in 1189,to commemorate his accessions to princely and then imperial rank.At the end of the Song period,from 1242 to 1278,Song forces held off Mongol invaders in the longest continuous military campaign ever on Chinese soil,lasting some 36 years at nearby Hechuan,60 km to the north of the city.Chongqing was opened as a treaty port to British and Japanese traders in 1890.Chongqing gained political importance following the Japanese invasions of the late 1930’s.After Nanjing fell in 1937,Chongqing became the wartime capital of the Kuomintang regime from 1938 on,and a focus for refugees and bombing raids that destroyed most of the city’s historical fabric.After the Japanese surrender in 1945 and the breakdown of U.S.sponsored negotiations held in Chongqing between the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist leader Mao Zedong,Chongqing remained a Kuomintang stronghold until it fell to the People’s Liberation Army in 1949.Since then Chongqing has grown dramatically in population and economic importance,becoming the major industrial center of southwestern China.
Chongqing is a well-known city with a history of more than 3000 years.It is the famous historical and cultural city in China.Chongqing is the birthplace of the Bayu Culture.At present,Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government with the largest area,the most administrative districts and the largest population.The original area of the whole city is 82,000 square kilometers,governing former Chongqing,Wanxian,Fuling cities as well as 43 districts,cities and counties in the Qianjiang Region.Chongqing has a population of 30,020,000,most of them are of Han nationality.49 other ethnic minorities,such as Tujia,Miao,Hui,Man,and Yi also live here but retain their own traditional customs.The colorful local customs have already become an important tourist attraction in Chongqing.
Chongqing has many attractions:cityscapes,mountains,revolutionary sites,cultural relics,parks,scenic spots,and natural beauty.The city offers a variety of choices for the visitor:from meetings and exhibitions,to sightseeing,shopping,dining and entertainment.Chongqing is variously known as "foggy city","mountain city",and “furnace city".The central urban area of Chongqing is wedged between the Yangtze River and the Jialingjiang River,surrounded by hills and mountains.With green hills and clear waters,the scenery is unique.Buildings are massed in picturesque disorder near the mountains and at the rivers’ edge.From a vantage point at night,one can see a myriad of glittering lights,contrasting pleasantly with clear glistening lights from the waves of two rivers and flashing stars all over the sky.This combination makes for a magnificent scene.
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