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我的英语基础 用没用软件至少也是看的出来的-.-
1.是可靠的消息来源 (source)
2.他面临很多困难 (face)
3.石油价格正在上涨(go up)
4.昨晚城里一栋住宿楼烧毁了,所幸没有人受伤(burn down.injure)
5.奥巴马也许会当选为美国首位黑人总统( elect)
6.报纸和其他媒体不仅是简单地记录所发生的事件 (more than)
8.记者要确保读者能读懂他们的专题特写 (relate to)
9.他们都有表演天赋,就让他们交换一次角色吧 (talent switch roles for once)
10.编辑的工作是尽力保持报纸平衡有趣 (keep)
11.文章应客观公正地反映事件和意见(reflect truthfully)
12.记者也要将材料用条理清晰的方式呈现给读者.(present organise)

1.是可靠的消息来源 (source)
China Daily is a reliable source of information.
2.他面临很多困难 (face)
He is facing many difficulties
3.石油价格正在上涨(go up)
The price of crude oil is going up.
4.昨晚城里一栋住宿楼烧毁了,所幸没有人受伤(burn down.injure)
Last night,an apartment building in the city was turned down,fortunately,no one was injured,
5.奥巴马也许会当选为美国首位黑人总统( elect)
Obama may be elected as the first African-American president of the United State.
6.报纸和其他媒体不仅是简单地记录所发生的事件 (more than)
Newspapers and other medias do things more than just record what has happened.
A well informed person told me the latest news.
8.记者要确保读者能读懂他们的专题特写 (relate to)
Journalists must make sure readers can understand their featuring reports relate to special topics.
9.他们都有表演天赋,就让他们交换一次角色吧 (talent switch roles for once)
Thay all have talent to perform,so let them switch roles for once.
10.编辑的工作是尽力保持报纸平衡有趣 (keep)
The job of an editor is to keep the newspapers balanced and interesting.
11.文章应客观公正地反映事件和意见(reflect truthfully)
Tha article should reflect issues and advices truthfully and impartially.
12.记者也要将材料用条理清晰的方式呈现给读者.(present organise)
Journalists also need to present well orgnised materials to the readers.