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Trust business is to take that credit entrusts as one kind of economic behaviour of basis,with certain economy purpose.Branch (or individual) being to have the fund (or property) in hand,entrust trust organization to apply on behalf of the person or manage,trust organization follows whose agreed condition and range ,carry out the administration applying on whose fund or property and return on schedule.Since trust business is that acting person manages or handles assets,therefore,one trust organization needing to have credit,two needs to have sufficient funds.The trust business category contains fields such as commercial affairs trust ,civil trust ,public good trust.Upper finance of international trust business,is the finance business managing besides the commercial bank handling a sort exists ,readjusts oneself to a certain extent ,converges mainly ,development of the economy ,marketplace condition are day by day complicated with every country ,the customer brings forward the product entrusting the fund applying as an agent,to be to the bank ,trust business with investment of Yu bond ,stock ,real estate,increases with each passing day or.Domestic trust business is that the approved by centre line finance trust and investment corporation is not bad manage business,property trust waits for four major kinds of trust business mainly other including that the fund trusting ,movable property trust ,immovable property trust drawing
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