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This is a little boy called dim stories:
Station platform, looking forward to watching from afar dim, motionless. Finally, the night train pulled dimto the father of the missing.
On this day, with Father dim and buy hot dogs, watch movies together, eat pizza together, reading together in the library with a cup of coffee ... ... So, know him love him.
On this day, the father put dim lifted high,fadim ther on the shoulder shot, have a father, father has been holding a big hand little hand... ... Therefore, to know the Father Di al miss him love him.
On this day, tell everyone :dim "This is my father, my father called Gioni." Every father has told people: "This is my son, the best son, my son called Di al. "In short, all the people all know, is better dim and father.
How ah look forward to the day! Father and mother because of divorce, the father lived in another town, and Father should not meet every day. dim
What a happy day ah! Since dim and father together, "Does my father and want to do." dim because everyone can see and father together, and everyone was aware of the father of Gioni. dim
How short-lived one day ah! "If time could be enough to stop." Track is very long, like the father dim to miss, pass to the father has lived in town.
Finally, sorry to see the train carrying dim go a father. Station platform, looking forward to watching from afar,dim motionless.
In this story, there is no sorrow and no tears. May be, should not all the best times of life to one's liking. May be, in the hope and hope that between the implementation, there will always be blocking. However, love as long as the owner, as long as calm does not retreat, it will have the courage and strength, there is a sense of security.
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