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牛津高中英语1A(高一上) 第一课 Reading body language 和 more Reading Eye contact 的课文 .不要翻牛津高中英语1A(高一上) 第一课 Reading body language 和 more Reading Eye contact 的课文 .不要翻译 要课文原

牛津高中英语1A(高一上) 第一课 Reading body language 和 more Reading Eye contact 的课文 .不要翻
牛津高中英语1A(高一上) 第一课 Reading body language 和 more Reading Eye contact 的课文 .不要翻译 要课文原稿 ,不要给我图片什么的 .马上马上 ,麻烦啦 ,,
body language
debbie and simon have part-time jobs at a travel agency. it is saturday morning and they are sitting in the office. debbie and simon looked up as a well-dressed lady entered.the lady glanced at them both,then walked over to debbie. debbie greeted her cheerfully. "hello,"the lady said."i want to go by train from..." simon sighed.mr.young,a senior emplyee,was standing beside him. "what's up,simon?you don't look very happy." "the customers always prefer debbie to me. i don't understand why." "i do.it's the way you communicate." "how can that be?"simon asked."i don't even get a chance to speak to them." "speech is not the only method of communicathion.your body language is important,too." "what kind of language is that?" "it's the way you stand and sit.it's your gestures and the expression on your face and in your eyes.your whole appearance communicates things.you often rest your head on your hand.you dont look up.you never smile.so you don't make a good impression on people." "but look at debbie.she makes eye contact with the customers.she's holding her head up.she smiles.that's why the customers go to her and not to you." after that,simon decided to improve his body language.he sat up and smiled at people.minutes later,a very beautiful girl entered.she looked at debbie and then at simon.without hesitation,she went to simon and gave him a big smile.a few moments later,she left happily. mr young came over at once and said,"you made a good impression on her." "that was my sister,"simon said."she wanted to remind me that tommorow is her birthday."

Eye contact
Throughout the history of mankind,people have communicate with body language.In many situations,the way you something is far more important than what you say.
Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication.It can signal friendliness or hostility,interest or boredom,and understanding or confusion.
In Western cultures,maintaing eye contact in conversations is necessary.As a matter of fact,a westerner might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of intert.In Spain,Italy and Greece,where people stand close together talking to each other,eye contact is more frequent and lasts longer.
In many Asian cultures,avoiding eye contact shows respect.It is done when talking with anyone in authority or with anyone older.
Habits like this can cause problems when people do not understand them.For instance,an Asian might close his eyes in concentration or look down while listening to a speaker.A Western speaker might think the man is not intereted.
Eye contact is a subtle thing.Avoiding eye contact might be considered impolite,but staring at others is also considered rude and should be avoided.
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