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Today,I read the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale set inside the daughter of the sea has given me great inspiration.It is said that inside the Dragon King's daughter is the most beautiful daughter,her days filled with a 15-year-old,look at her to go to sea,she saw the prince is also a country's birthday today,she first thing he would like to see On him,she also saved him,in order to allow the girls to have the two Xiangrenyiyang Tuijiu to the bottom to the Witch,used his wonderful voice exchange for the two legs,on the beach next to her,Prince To see the prince's daughter from the Jianghai into the Royal Palace,the daughter of the imperial palace found in the prince after her rescue,a neighbor of the princess in his wake-up call around the prince,the Prince is a misconception that she saved themselves,the sea The daughter was informed that after the very sad,but the daughter is now unable to speak a few days after the prince has a wife Princess Yaoqu neighbouring countries,so that the daughter of the more sad,the next day,they get married,the sea Daughters do their bridesmaids,the evening,the daughter of the sea crying,her sisters go ashore to the sister said:"You can only kill the prince survive,otherwise you will become a bubble!" With the daughter of the sea A sister to the dagger into the Prince and Princess of the new house,about to start,the daughter of the sea or the dagger in the ground,she did not bear to kill their favorite people,the East the sun will soon rise,sisters Seeing her sister to bubble formation,the hearts of extreme grief,the daughter of the end of a bubble.After the finish,could not help her daughter for leaving a sea of tears,feeling like this is the sacrifice of a few people,we are also children and adults at all times Chaozui,talk back.Now think about how much should not ah!After I must let adults happy,and so their old me to Xiaojing them.
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