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英语作文!根据以下要点写一篇120个单词的短文 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯
1、在春节给孩子们发红包是一种习俗 2、许多人担心孩子们不能用好压岁钱 3、教育专家建议家长要教会孩子合理花钱 4、你会怎样化你的压岁钱?写出2~3种方式
In our Spring Festival, we have for tradition to give money to children. We give this money is red envelopes.
A problem this may bring is that children now-a-days get collect too much money and they might spend it on sweets and collection cards, instead of using the money in a good way, such as reading books, clothes or saving it for the future.
I agree with the idea of experts that says "parents should teach their children how to spend that money". It is too much money these days, it goes beyond the parents' salaries sometimes, so my advice here is for parents to try and give some instructions on what to buy. During the years I got my red envelope, I also had some money spent on things that were not really necessary, such as sweets and candies, but my mother always told me to save this money because I will need it one day. Today, I still have some money on my bank account!
Hope this is good for you. Make some changes if you need.
Good luck!
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