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本人商务英语新生- - 在综合英语unit2 那个单元 老师叫我们以任何一位发明者 和他所发明的东西写点介绍 加自己的一些感想.求能讲两分钟的文章啊 不要结构太复杂和生词太多的 好文章我绝对追加分
我要自己写的谢谢- - 你来个从哪抄的 我老师知道会灭了我!
Alfred Nobel: A Man of Peace
Nobel invented dynamite(炸药). He has spend his life working for
peace in the world. He hated violence and war. He had invented
dynamite to asve lives——lives that were lost because other
explosives were dangerous to use. He wanted people to remember him as a man of peace.
He invented dynamite in time. Many countries were beginning to build
railroads and tunnels, and needed a safe, powerful explosive to
construcrt railroad trucks through mountains. People also need
dynamite to blow up the stone in order to construct buildings. dams
and roads. He invented dynamite for peaceful use. Moreover, he
believed how impossible war was, and wars would end. In fact, this
was a popular idea of his day.
Before his death, he made it in his will, he instructed people to
use all his money for an annual award to honor leaders of science,
literature and world peace. He stated that these leaders could be
men or women f any nationality.
After he died, there set up a prize, called "Nobel Prize". This
prize will be awarded to those make dramatic achievement in the
field of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. It has
a total number of 9 million dollars. And this award soon became the
greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields. In 1969,
an award for Economics was added.
He made a right decision, giving the world the image he wanted.
Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize, and the world thinks of
him the way he wannted to be remembered: Alfred Nobel, man of peace.
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