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Spring Festival in the eyes of the Chinese people,as well as the distance is a happy day,so we are all very seriously,the week before the Chinese New Year or even earlier we ready to clean-up,almost every household should clean-up,clean the house dry pack net,to greet the arrival of the new year,our family is no exception,parents wash linen bedding,I clean windows,cabinets.With a full two days of packing time is considered clean,our three tired of a few days do not want to move,once a year,the Spring Festival,in order to have a good omen for the coming year,Zailei also deserves.
This year's Spring Festival for the 1.3 billion Chinese people is very special,because China has been the case for several decades a snowstorm,which railways,highways paralyzed,and millions of foreign workers who can not go home for the holidays; grid ice,how many places no electricity,we see daily reports on the snowstorm,for these poor people worry,sadness,but for them to see that the Government sent eat wear,proper arrangements for them outside the Spring Festival,we are very pleased .Spring Festival evening party to produce a program,very touching,and our family has been watching this program deeply moved.
This year the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing,for us,is a very good thing,and hope that 2008 will be a safe and peaceful prosperity,good luck in 2008.
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