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The weather is starting to get cold, yet which is what I am hoping.
In my world, there exist no springs and falls because of their temporary staying.
Cheerful that summer finally comes, which I am a little bit afraid of. I hate its hotness unless every day of summer I keep myself in the beach.
Humanbeings are sometimes contradictory, aren't they?
I have a deep love in winter and I am desperate for it. This is because winter is a season filled with sorrow, which reminds me unconsciously of something I want to forget.
Every time I am almost in despair, I keep fancying something that will not happen again.

Winter comes, and I become lazier and lazier.
I have no idea where to come and go in this big big world.
Indeed I want to leave this place where I've been living long. I have this irrecoverable ambition terribly. I want to leave all my footprints in anywhere worth my staying.
The thought is becoming stronger and stronger day by day. I am aggressive but not bad.
The power of time is marvelously violent when I was still a 15 or 16-year-old student. At that time others seem to master their lives smoothly while I was wasting my time. I drown myself in a strange but safe world to protect myself from danger.
When waking up that day, suddenly I realized that everything had gone including me.
It's honestly not difficult to leave. One dicision, one packsack, one pen, one notebook and some money is enough for my journey. Stepping on a strange journey, I put down the burden to think about how to live every day wonderfully. I don't need to be disconsolate for all the losts, which can be exchanged for something brand new all the way long. As experiences accumulate, you may undertand everything is going as they should be. Wish everybody have a peaceful and quiet night and a happy Halloween.
Here‘s my situation: when I see a small possibilitiy of hope, it will fade away soon; then when I am desperate, I see another hope, which yet finally bedashed.
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