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A. And the police passed it to the RAF to examme
B. She thought the metal came from a plane
C. It could have been in space for over 10 years
D. Pieces from old satellites are dangerous
E. Welton told British newspaper.The Telegraph what she saw
    Mabel Welton 62 was in her living room when a piece of dark gray metal hit the roof of her home.
         1     . Because her house in Hassle UK lies under a flight path.
    However after examining the piece the Royal Air Force( RAF) said that the metal was space junk that fell to Earth.
         2      . "We heard this sound and went outside and saw this hole in the roof "she said. "The metal had broken two tiles(瓦片) and made a mess. "
     Welton said that her granddaughter's boyfriend Richard Sutcliffe had to"put on some oven gloves to get it because it was so hot".
    The Weltons gave the metal to the police.     3     .
    Last Thuraday the RAF said they learned that the metal was space rubbish.     4     .
    A great number of pieces from more than 5 000 old satellites are now in space. Most pieces have fallen to Earth without doing damage to people or houses.
1. B   2. E   3. A   4. C

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