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You have been thinking about it all week.It kept you awake last night.Now,as you walk to the front of the class,your throat is dry and your stomach feels funny.81.___  However,by making a few small preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully,you too can be a public speaking star.作业帮
82.___ Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches,so it's important to choose carefully.If you enjoy your topic,your audience (观众) will,too.Even if you are given a topic,try to find something about it that is exciting or funny.
Next,do some research.Don't just research your topic.83.___  If you can,study video of a great speaker to see how they move,speak,and pause (停顿).Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.
After researching,it's time to write your speech.During this stage,think of your audience all the time.84.___ It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.
Finally,rehearse.You really need to rehearse a lot.Measure your speech with a watch,and practice in front of a mirror (镜子).85.___ If you have followed all these steps,you should be ready for your audience.Good luck!
AYou are a very successful speaker.
BResearch some great speakers as well.
CEntertaining your audience is important.
DStart by choosing a topic that you are interested in.
EResearch is very important for writing a great speech.
FMany students find it difficult to give a public speech.
GYou can check your hand movement and facial expression.
81.F 考查对语境的理解.由 However,by making a few small preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully,you too can be a public speaking star可知此文讲的是演讲的方法,与演讲有关,选F,表示许多学生发现做公众演讲很难.
82.D 考查对语境的理解.由 Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches可知此段的主题是演讲的话题,选D,一开始要选择一个你感兴趣的话题.
83.B 考查对语境的理解.由If you can,study video of a great speaker to see how they move,speak,and pause可知此句与great speakers有关,选B,表示同样也要对一些伟大的演讲家做一些调研.
84.C 考查对语境的理解.由During this stage,think of your audience all the time可知此句与audience有关,选C,表示使你的观众感兴趣很重要,选C.
85.G 考查对语境的理解.由practice in front of a mirror可推测此句讲的与对着镜子练习的作用有关,选G,表示你可以(在镜子里)检查你的手的移动姿势与面部表情.