早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


内容是:1.你理想的职业是什么?2.为什么你选择这个职业? 3.你怎样为你理想的职业做准备?内容一定要连贯通顺,句子要精彩,字数300词左右.
My Ideal Job
Everyone has his ideal job,and it differs from people to people.Some people want to be a teacher,they think that teaching is the most glorious career in the world,and having many students around and teaching them knowledge are of great valuce.Some people would choose police as their career.They think that protecting the people's lives and properties is the most important thing in such a complex society.It goes without saying that some other people's ideal career would be a scientist.They are willing to work and live like Edison,Einstein,devoting their whole life to the scientific cause.That sounds like a great career which would do great contribution to human beings.You may ask me what exactly my ideal job is Well,friends,I would like to tell you that my ideal job is to be a doctor.
When I was very young,I lived in a very poor village.Because of the bad living conditions and uncareness,many villagers suffered diseases.They was not able to get good treatment,for there were few doctors in the village,nor in the neighbouring ones.Seeing this,I was shocked at that moment,then an idea occured to me and from then on I made up my mind to be an excellent doctor,which I'll regard as my great goal.
I know to achieve my goal is not easy,I may meet with some difficulties.But I won't give up at anytime anywhere.First of all,I should take good use of my time and study hard.Secondly,good personalities and social responsibilities is essential to a doctor,so I should try to develop good personalities and qualities during my school life.
As an Chinese proverb going,“No pain,no gain.”I'll make my every effort to achieve my goal.

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