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I went to see a film named with my classmates in JiangNan Cinema.
Review on Bodyguards and Assassins
was thoroughly,deeply,and magnificently entertained for the film's entire running time,and for that I am eternally grateful.
The plot is rather transparent,and even predictable,but only in the best kind of way.In its defense,the plot should be straightforward,since there's (thankfully) no espionage subplot/distraction that leads to narrative machinations.A group of essentially everyday people must protect Sun Yat Sen from assassins while he visits Hong Kong.
The film is also didactic,but you know that from the first frame.And for this film,it works,because it is an integral plot point.How can you make a movie about political turmoil in China and not be somewhat didactic?Refreshingly,the film is not one-sidedly didactic.In all honesty,I am surprised that the film's sympathies lay where they do,politically speaking.Because some of the conflicts in the film are still going on today.
From the start of the film,you know that these conflicts,personal,political and otherwise,must go from discussion to confrontation.At some point,people will stop talking and start fighting.By the time it starts,you can hardly wait,if only because you knew it was inevitable.
But the first half of the film is hardly wasted.
Bodyguards and Assassins/十月围城 sets up a premise and works towards it by giving each of the film's many characters shape,detail,and humanity.So when the story inevitably goes where you know it would,you have such emotional investment in the characters that the events are still very affecting.This movie is an ensemble piece,and a very evenly split one at that.
No one dominates the film,and at the same time,it is still cohesive and engaging.There are lots of cameos and small parts played by very well-known names,and its nice to see that kind of selflessness.Lots of familiar faces (and some new ones) turn in commendable performances.
Tony Leung Kar Fai shows a degree of subtlety in his character that we haven't seen from him in a while (given his recent roles) and turns in a very consistent and convincing performance

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