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where to live-in the city or in the country
some people think that people living in the country enjoy more advantages than people living the city.with the development of economices more and more people rush into city.because in the city they have much choice to find work ,then earn much money than ever before.there are various kinds of shopping centers .restaurants and recreation centers where are always easy to reach .
the country ,however ,also has their attractions.people can breath clear air.play in the blue sky.you can imagine how wonderful it would be!
one coin has two sides.both the city and the country have their disdavantages.
for example ,city residents have to bear polluted air ,while in the country .also .have their puzzle.when their children want to go to school they would walk far away from their home.
compared to two situations i woud prefer to live in the country.because i like peace of life.

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我国很多城市水资源缺乏,为了加强居民的节水意识,合理利用水资源,很多城市制定了用水收费标准,某市规  2020-05-24 …

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阅读下面的文字,完成问题。放鹤亭记苏轼熙宁十年秋,彭城大水。云龙山人张君之草堂,水及其半扉。明年春,  2020-12-11 …

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