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We parents like to make sure that our children are eating well and getting all the nutrients(营养)they need. Children need two or three kinds of vegetables every day.
A simple way to get children to eat vegetables is eating them ourselves. Following our habit, they may start eating vegetables. Don’t say things like, “If you eat your vegetables, you can have desserts(餐后甜食).” These methods work for a while but can possibly lead them to disliking vegetables more. Giving your children new varieties(多样性) which will help her or him develop a taste for trying new things.
Sometimes the simple things just don’t work. We have to start becoming a little creative when it comes to make our children eat these vegetables. By doing this in the beginning when they are small, it will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
Think of creative ways to make children eat vegetables. For example, cut up vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and assemble (集合) a creative way on a plate for an afternoon snack. Or try using cheese sauce either by dipping(浸)vegetables or by putting the cheese right on top of the uncooked vegetables.
If you prefer, you can also add a teaspoon of sugar on top of cooked green beans and peas to give them a little sweeter taste. Doing this shouldn’t lead to a sweet tooth as long as you only give them a small amount.
If you have a child that refuses to eat vegetables, some of these suggestions I’ve listed will help to turn that around. In the end, you’re not just getting them to eat vegetables, you are helping them to live a healthier lifestyle.
小题1:How many kinds of vegetables does a child need every day? ______________________
小题2:What is a simple way to let the children eat vegetables? ____________________________
小题3:What’s the advantage of thinking of creative ways when it comes to make children eat vegetables? _______________________________
小题4:Which will children usually prefer, vegetables or desserts? ______________________
小题5:What is this article mianly talking about? __________________________________

小题1:Two or three.
小题2:Eating them ourselves./The parents should eat the vegetables themselves.
小题3:It will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
小题5:How to make children eat vegetables

小题1:从文章的句子:Children need two or three kinds of vegetables every day.
可知答案是:Two or three.
小题2:从文章的句子:A simple way to get children to eat vegetables is eating them ourselves.可知答案是:Eating them ourselves./The parents should eat the vegetables themselves.
小题3:从文章的句子:By doing this in the beginning when they are small, it will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
可知答案是:It will hopefully help them learn to love vegetables.
小题4:从文章的句子:“If you eat your vegetables, you can have desserts(餐后甜食).”可知答案是:Desserts.
小题5:从文章的句子:If you have a child that refuses to eat vegetables, some of these suggestions I’ve listed will help to turn that around.可知答案是:How to make children eat vegetables

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