早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、有一个高35厘米的长方体水桶,它的底面是周长为120厘米的正方形.已知1升水重1千克,这个水桶最多可盛水多少千克?(列式子计算) 2、甲、乙两个车间生产同样一种零件,甲车间14人共做了19个,乙车间16人共做了21个.哪个车间平均每人做得多?为什么?(列式子计算) 3、把一个分数进行约分,用2、3和5各约了一次后,得到最简的分数是九分之五,这个分数原来是多少?(列式子计算)
1.linda and mary visited their teacher yesterday. 2.because i can dance and sing. 3.tony and bill are going toplay basketball. 4.did you see elephants at animal land? 5.what did peter eat for breakfast last sunday? 6.we saw some birds over there this morning. 7.what did jenny do last saturday? 8.we drove in the hippo pool when we were at the zoo. 9.kate bought lots of holiday postcards in the gift shop. 10.i like playing football on the beach on sunday.