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Most people like to travel on land because it's always safe.16 there are still some people who want to travel in dangerous places.One of these places is the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋).
Men do not 17 the Arctic:Ocean very often.It is 18 clanger.It is dark and cold there in winter...The ice is dangerous,19 .Especially in summer the ice breaks and moves 20 .
In February ,John William started to cross the Arctic Ocean.He went with three men and several dogs.The dogs pulled the sledge(雪橇)over the ice,and on the sledge there was food and some 21 things for them.They traveled slowly 22 months.
In the summer the ice broke,so they 23 stop and wait for the cold days to come.Then when the ice was hard,they started the journey again.They stayed on a big piece of ice.The ice moved in wind and took them to the 24 .During their journey,a 25 dropped some food for them.On April 6 ,they reached the North Pole(北极).Then they traveled to the south.They came back and reached the land on May 29.
25.A.ship B.plane C.train D.sledge
B. plane 飞机
D. sledge 雪橇
后面的动词是 dropped (投下;空投),所以选B.

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