早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


一.BACBC 二.bacab 三.CCABB 四.bbcab
一.studied crying magazines order ideas
二.D D C B C C C B D A
三.1.to have 2.teaches up 3.How like 4.does do 5.wants nothing
四.1.Who's your 2.Don't wear 3.How was 4.Why does wear 5.What is doing
五.1.watching 2.to swim 3.hours' 4.countries 5.lying
六.1.Do you know the old man with sunglasses?
2.I think art is really interesting
3.I think art is really interesting
3.I like going to the movies with my friends
4.Look at this group of people playing beach basketball
5.This is the beginning of our garden tour
七.D A D C C D C B C A
八.A C A B D A C B B D D C B A D
九.(一)1.How 2.with 3.what 4.interesting 5.crowded 6.Did 7.Japanese 8.friendly 9.had 10.delicious
(二)A E F D C
十.It was fine last weekend .On Saturday morning I went to a park with my parents.The park was very beautiful .We boated on the river .Then we sat down and had a rest .At noon we ate some bread and drank some apple juice .On Saturday afternoon we watched some pipeons in the square .
On Sunday morning we went to vist my grandma in the village .It was her birthday.We bought a big birthday cake for her .We sang "happy birthday to you " together.My grandma was very happy .On Sunday afternoon we took a taxi to the shopping mall .It was crowded there .My mother bought me a beautiful dress
What a nice weekend it was !

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